Water Management Services


water management systems


How it works:

¨Through an interactive interview and needs assessment we will analyze the lowest cost solutions that will generate the highest amount of Return on Investment to lower your costs and also preserve a precious resource WATER.

¨We use our custom design and engineering to create a solution for each unique application.

¨We use Smart Meters that report and monitor the inputs and outputs of your water usage that are designed to work in the most remote areas regardless of cellular coverage.

ECA monitors your water resources with IDT's latest technology in rural water systems management. Our water meters are easily installed to monitor your usage of water and to detect where you may be losing money (leaks in liner or pipes, evaporation, theft, etc.)

Using cloud-based, satelite technology, meters are equipped to work in remote areas and provide automatic delivery of daily meter readings for faster speed of loss detection.

Your Water Management Solution

ECA is committed to high value services and innovation. Our solution, from beginning to end, includes the following:

¨Document your current system of Water Management

¨Present an opportunity assessment of potential Savings

¨Design customized solutions with estimated costs and a complete ROI

¨Plan a “to be constructed” implementation plan and costs budget

¨Schedule and deliver according to the agreed upon plan

¨Monitor your water resources using smart meters, and report results monthly via email. Our reports are cloud-based and available anywhere you have internet.

¨Comprehensive inspection and maintenance services

¨We prove your GAIN and Return on Investment (ROI).
